Man Alive


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the gathering for me? 

If you feel like you’d benefit from opening up and having candid, honest conversations about the ups and downs of being a man, whether it be relationship struggles, the hardships of balancing father-hood with work, imposter syndrome, family issues, trying to find purpose or would love to communicate better, then this gathering is likely for you.


Who’s welcome?

In short, men of any race, religion, sexual orientation or social background.


Can I come with a friend or sibling?

To get the most out of the weekend we find it best if everyone shows up on the first day as strangers. We’ve found this fosters deeper conversation and connection.


Is everything I say confidential?

100%. Confidentiality is critical in our gatherings. Chatham House Rules apply here. 


How can I get the most out of the gathering? 

Be open to vulnerability. Be open to speaking the truth even if your voice shakes. Embrace being perfectly imperfect. Give as much as you take and generally be a good human and you’ll leave with a full heart and more awareness of yourself than you thought possible. 


Are you a trained therapist? 

No. I have spent the last ten years doing deep internal work on the journey and believe I have insights and experiences that might be useful. The aim of this gathering is to create a lifelong community of like-minded men who can support each other through life’s ups and downs. 

Do you have access to trained therapists?

I do. Over the years I’ve built up a selection of remarkable coaches who I’d be happy to put you in touch with.


Will I be given advice on my challenges? 

I lean away from giving advice. I encourage everyone to share their experiences and things they have learnt that worked (or not) for them but we stay clear of starting sentences with the words, you should, you must, you have to. I feel this is more empowering for everyone and helps build strong long term communities. 


Are these gatherings intense and heavy? 

Honestly, I don’t know for sure but I do believe humour plays a huge role in personal growth and that we can have life changing conversations alongside deep belly laughs. 


Is food included? 

Yes. You will dine healthy and well. 


What happens after the gathering?

I believe in creating communities and support networks that last a lifetime, not just a weekend. Over the course of the weekend you’ll be getting comfortable with a 2 hour group process that you can do every month together with your new Man Alive cohort into perpetuity. It’s a beautiful way to stay connected and continue to grow individually and collectively.



St Davids, Pembrokeshire

Let's talk